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Sunday 12 August 2012

STEP ONE: Getting Started

Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with just a single step.” -Proverb

I’ll start with a simple confession, the works I’m about to begin to share with you are not entirely out of altruism.  While I do seek in this forum to make a series of serious contributions to debates in what I see as the key issues of our time, the real reward for me personally is not in who reads that which follows or embraces the subjects discussed; rather, my main motivation for both starting and creating this blog stems from a deep, driving desire to learn.  I have an insatiable appetite for information, a natural flair for research, an affection for serious speakers and an earnest appreciation for critical thought.  In short, I love learning.

However, that is not say that I don't hope that by reading these postings I can provide you with the inspiration and energy to get involved with these issues yourself – whether intellectually, physically, financially, spiritually, or all of the above.  Ultimately, I would like for this blog to invite discussion and, hopefully, action.  If I do my job well, by the end of our journey together you will become as interested and passionate about the pursuit of knowledge and truth in these areas of human concern as I am. To that end, my promise to you is that in the postings that follow I will impart a cornucopia of knowledge on matters and events that are worthy of not only your time and attention, but your commitment and most sincere regard.

And, yet, although I am someone who is very much engaged in these issues and who actively seeks to remain fully apprised and informed, I am also quick to concede that my own knowledge and understanding is far from complete. In fact, I’m not the world’s leading authority or even a noted expert on any of the topics that are to follow but I am someone who has taken the time and effort to read through and analyze the publications of those who are.  I know that makes me, at best, a very diligent student and an imperfect practitioner of the remedies and solutions that have been developed by others. Nonetheless, I’m sure that my opinions will often come across as objective proofs.  This has much to do with both my personality generally and my profession more particularly.  As a lawyer I’m accustomed to operating in a role of pure advocacy, where the goal is of course to “win the argument”; however, where inquiry and advocacy are combined – such as in the present forum – the goal is no longer to “win the argument” but to find the best argument.  Accordingly, I like to say that my opinions herein are strongly stated and loosely held – strongly stated in order that my points are clear and lucid but loosely held so that new facts and persuasive arguments of others can get at them and change them where necessary. Thus, what I offer you is a rough draft for raising awareness and disseminating information about the issues of our age. It is designed to encourage others to make better drafts. If it does that, it has served its purpose. In this instance, it could be said that the map is far less important than the compass.

The above should not, however, be taken to infer that my arguments are anything less than balanced and fully researched, it is only to say that I’m not so arrogant as to ignore other positions (provided they are informed and presented in accordance with the same standards for critical thought and discussion).  I myself am beholden to no institution or title and I am wary of people who are incapable of seeing virtues in arguments for differing or opposing viewpoints.  My thoughts are guided solely by a life that I have dedicated to the pursuit of truth.  Therefore, I will not subjugate my understanding or prostitute either my tongue or my pen to any cause or ideology.  More specifically, I do not believe that the solutions for society are going to come from the Left or the Right or the North or the South but, rather, from the grassroots of society – that is, people who feel compelled to do something and I sincerely doubt that this urge from within them (as with myself) will have much, if anything, to do with their political leanings or their particular location on this planet.

Nevertheless, these writings do have an overtly political purpose.  They aim to encourage you to not only change the way that you live but also to get engaged, involved and active in forcing our government and corporations to make such changes easier for us all.  In this respect, my intention is to make each blog entry a comprehensive and freestanding essay on particular issues deserving of your consideration.  I will speak to many fundamental and global issues in this process, not because my interests are scattered and varied (which they are) but, rather, because I see all of these issues as intimately related to one another.  More, it is my hope and expectation that as you read along they will help you to see these interconnections for yourself. In this way, these writings will serve to bridge the gaps that permeate our understanding by discussing issues pertaining to social justice and then seeking to connect-the-dots that are related to human rights, environmental degradation and larger deficits that exist in democracy.

Lastly, this blog is being written to be read and, so, I will be keeping it clear of footnotes and the usual grim apparatus of academic scholarship; essentially, I have tried to write something that you will enjoy reading. Don’t let that lead you to conclude that what I have to say is just a load of froth.  My felicity to the facts will be both assured and certified.  Underpinning each of these postings you will find a listing of the academic sources that were relied upon.  Yet, I will not be supplying you with a full citation including pagination or paragraphs as schooling has made you accustomed.  The reason for this is not only to keep the entries clean and readable but also in order to leave it to your individual curiousity to regard the whole of the author’s work - just as I have.  See, I want us to get away from our facile understanding of people, things and events and to learn to study the whole. Equally, don’t regard what I have to say because I list a plethora of sources, spout off an endless blast of ‘factoids’  or write with a modest dose of eloquence, regard it because you seek to expand your own understanding and to contribute to the dialogue in a way that expands mine and others.  

In short, you will find that this blog is for everyone who wants a better understanding of the world around them. It is for everyone who wants a better life and a better world, and who is looking for the practical tools to realize these goals.  This is true whether you are someone who is struggling to make ends meet or striving to be a master of the universe. That is, no matter your present position, status or title, I believe that the material found on this site will be relevant to not only you but to your family and your future. It is intended for all those who harbour an honest appreciation and desire for the truth: discovering it, sourcing it and sharing it.

Now, together, let us take this first step.

Suggestions for Topics Moving Forward are Welcome:
What would you like to learn about in the next year? In the next week? Today?

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Ask yourself the fundamental question: "Who am I?"

Once you have your answer, begin to live your life with congruency.